Creating a DocuSign Connector

The Create connector wizard guides you through the configuration when creating a connector. You can create multiple DocuSign type connectors, with each connecting to a different account. However, you can only have one default DocuSign connector.

Caution: If you are creating an on-premise instance, ensure you've configured your DocuSign Connector before attempting to create a DocuSign Connector, see DocuSign Integration Configuration for more details. Creating a DocuSign Connector before configuration will result in an error code PARTNER AUTHENTICATION FAILED: The specified Integrator Key was not found or is disabled. An Integrator key was not specified.

1. In the Project Console's Control panel, select the Connectors button.

The Connectors list view displays.

 Control panel- Connectors

2. Select the +Create button.

The Create connector wizard displays.

Open Create connector wizard

3. Input the name of your connector.
4. (Optional) Input a Description for your connector.
5. In the Type dropdown menu, select DocuSign.
6. Select the Next button.

The Create Connector Stage window displays.

DocuSign Stage Options

Developer Sandbox

Paid / Trial subscription

7. In the Stage dropdown menu, select the stage for the DocuSign account.
8. Select the Next button.

The Create connector Authorize Experlogix Smart Flows window displays.

Set DocuSign Connector Stage

9. Select the Authorize Smart Flows button.

The system opens the DocuSign website.

Authorize Xpertdoc Smart Flows permissions

10. If you have not authenticated with DocuSign before, enter your DocuSign account credentials.

If your credentials are valid, the system redirects you back to Smart Flows.

DocuSign authentication portal

11. Select the Next button.

Smart Flows displays a summary of the configuration.

12. Select the Finish button to conclude the creation of your DocuSign connector.